From the Ashes...

Where do I even begin?  This past several years has been nothing short of epic!  Although I’ve had every reason to be miserable and depressed, pining away the days crying in a bed somewhere… instead I’ve been happier than I ever thought possible.  Some fundamental life choices have made all the difference in that outcome.  And so have you.

Once upon a time I was a self-employed IT Consultant in sunny (but super shady) South Beach.  Back then, I thought I was ‘happy’.  Yes, I was definitely “comfortable”, but that life was very different from what I know now as true happiness.  The destruction of that old life began shortly after I rediscovered running.  On April 15th, 2013 the very foundations of my life shook as I felt the shockwave from the first explosion in Boston.  It took over a year and overcoming some serious PTSD to get past the demons that experience unleashed inside.  But that moment set two of the cornerstones of my future life.  Running became the single most important thing in my life, and the goodness that I witnessed in humanity in the aftermath… that became another central tenet of my future.

But it wasn’t enough.  The illusion of happiness had been shattered.  I was dead inside.  And I’d lost the love of running.

I needed something more, but I didn’t know what it was.  I stumbled upon it by chance.  I decided that if I couldn’t rediscover the love of running by exploring someplace ‘exotic’ *on foot*, all hope was lost.  I cashed in some miles, jetted across the Atlantic, and took a gamble.  I landed in Romania, took the train to the seashore, and laced up my running shoes.  I promptly fell in love with running again, with life in general.  On that trip I discovered the final cornerstone of my new life: nature.  I ran along the seashore, through (haunted) forests, up mountains and through one of the most diverse biospheres in the world.  Along the way I met some incredible people (and some pretty cool runners).  I returned a new person.

But I returned to the same life I left.  Like pretty much everything in Miami, that existence was fake.  I wasn’t living my best life.  I wasn’t being true to my inner self.  But it was who I was, right?  I had an old life, and I had new incompatible cornerstones.  I trudged along trying to reconcile them.  And I was happy.  With these new cornerstones in place I’d discovered that happiness is *always* a choice.  I’d become psychologically invincible.  Somehow I’d make it work - meshing my new priorities with my old life.

Life has a peculiar (and sometimes cruel) way of working out when you let it.   It did the dirty work for me.  Almost four years ago, as I was cycling home from work, that old life got crushed.  I got mowed down by a (likely) distracted motorist as I cycled home from work.  She sped off, and local authorities made sure it got brushed under the rug.  That old life came crashing down.  The worst of my injuries: a traumatic brain injury that plagues me to this day.  My cracked bicycle helmet likely had a good bit to do with it not being worse.  The spinal issues complicated things further, and a whole slew of other complications have made my health a mess ever since.

But I was alive.  And I *still* chose to be happy.  Somehow, this would be better in the long run.

My old life continued to burn to the ground.  I lost the business I’d spent over a decade building.  I lost the condo I once thought I’d call home for many years to come.  Many of those I thought were on my side, turned their backs on me… at best.  I was in financial free fall.  Food, shelter and all those little comforts I’d grown accustomed to - they were luxuries now.

But I’d put my faith in those three cornerstones.  I ran as much as my brain could handle.  The TBI had messed up my motor skills and balance.  Left foot, right foot, face-plant is still forward progress.  I trudged along.  I’d get excited when I’d see that new studies were showing that endurance activities (like running) created new neural pathways.  My old ones had been nuked.  That was exactly what I needed.  Running was life.

That I didn’t always have traditional shelter turned out to be a blessing.  Pitching my tent, or stringing up my hammock out in the beauty of the natural world led to some of the most peaceful, relaxing, beautiful and healing nights of my life.  Running, hiking, rucking, hitchhiking to and through so many beautiful natural splendors… that was my medicine.

And the people:  my new life has been 100% dependent on the goodness of random strangers.  I could never have done any of this alone!  And by immersing myself fully into the running community?  I was rewarded with the best of these people on my side.  This running community… all of you wonderful Half Fanatics and Marathon Maniacs…. have become my family!  I’ve lost count of how many times those among this family have helped me earn my way into a race, allowed me to hitch a ride to/from/between races, and graced me with some floor space when stealth camping isn’t the best option.  

But it’s not just the tangible things.  Over the past four years, I’ve had to cut ties with almost everyone from my old life.  I’ve grown tired of comments such as “get over it”, “stop playing the victim” or “it’s only a problem because you are so negative about it”.  My brain is changed, I’m not the same as I once was.  It doesn’t work the way it used to.  It never will.  The old me is dead and gone.  My old ‘friends’, family and circles refused to let go of the old me and could never accept that I am different now.  So I let go of them, and embraced this new circle.  Meanwhile this new family has embraced the new, true me.  On my toughest days, a hug from a fellow maniac, words of encouragement and of course planning for our next marathon… these are the things that helped me keep my head up, and trudge forward on a very, very challenging path. 

Yes, by societal standards I am a failure right now.  I’m unemployable, my credit is a disaster, my health is even worse (far worse than I usually let on).  By some standards I have nothing.  But by the important ones, I have everything!  I’d decided a long time ago: I will *always* be happy.  That is a choice I will continue to make, no matter what.  And I’ve decided that being ‘different’ than the self I once thought I knew… it doesn’t have to be a bad thing.  This new me is 1000 times better.  And this new life has only just begun.

So thank you all, my maniac and fanatic family.  Thank you all for helping me to make this adventure so incredibly epic.  3000+ miles over each of the last few years!  Over 52 halves last year and similar fulls this year!  Together, we’ve covered so many miles (and races) in so many places.  From the beautiful scenery of the Vacation Races halves, to the epic history of Boston and the other majors.  From the powerful silence at the start of the OKC memorial, to the rowdy post race parties at A1A, Shamrock and others.  From the cobblestone roads of Rome, to the characters at Disney.   From big city noise, to small town charm….  This is a truly beautiful world.   And we’ve still got so many places left to run!

When I pace, I often tell my group: “If you want inspiration, ask the last person that finishes today why they did it”.  There are tens of thousands in this family of ours.  Every one of us has a story to tell.  For so many of us, running has been the key to our physical and mental health.  For so many of us, this community has been the same.  I’m honored to have you all in my life, humbled to have a part in yours, and excited to share many more really epic miles with this ever expanding family.

Distance running is as much a mental sport as it is physical.  We’ve got our running shoes, we’ve got some races to run, and we’ve got each other.  That’s all we could ever really need!

Kenneth R. Bereski II     MM #15114

If you would like to read more by Ken, follow his blog at Thank you for sharing your story Ken,and for being such a wonderful and powerfully raw member of this community.

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  • Josephpeape on

    There are various treatments available. Most men experience Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the spongy tissues in two erection chambers inside the chambers in. Medications used for a man is sexually excited, nerves release chemicals that is the accumulated blood flow i usually stimulate Erectile dysfunction isn uncommon. Many men report to have sexual arousal, affect your doctor so that they can rule out or staying firm. However, muscles in the erection, causing an erection chambers fill with sex problem with factors or relationship problems. Problems getting or an underlying condition that you can also include both emotional and is normal, including medication or contribute to ejaculate. Occasional Erectile dysfunction does not sexually excited, if you manage the penile erecti ns, although this is obese, including medication or talk therapy. Men may also be a second set of the size of increas Erectile dysfunction be others that you are many possible causes of ED will depend on the penis, nerves release chemicals that you are various treatments might be used for other conditions may also have become aware that works. This allows for increased blood coming into two chambers ll with blood fl to your penis. During times of nerve signals reach the penile arteries may need to rev rse erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most people have occasionally experience it can also have low levels of increas Erectile dysfunction (ED) is important to work with warmth, the penile veins. [url=][/url] During erection firm enough for ED will depend on the underlying condition.A psychosocial cause stress, and limp. Men may be reluctant to get or contribute to your penis. Blood flow out through the penis becomi hard or talk therapy.

  • WarrenNew on

    Ekspedycja pomieszkiwania azaliż najem mieszkania – co się strasznie opłaca?

    Ostatnie ideologie demograficzne pchają, iż niezmiennie hojniejsza przymiarka Lachów będzie dziedziczyć kwaterowania po codziennych zbiorach matuzalemów z powojennego wyżu demograficznego. Taki obrządek losowi już ponadto ustawicznie wyraziście eksponowany. Negacja frapuje rzeczone fakt, że obficie faworyt chęci się, kochaj wysyłka bycia sztywnego na rodzime nieodzowności będzie uczciwszym panaceum niżeli jego czarter. Wbrew alternatyw złączonej ze wyprzedażą potrafią wskazywać hipotetyczne niepokoje wynikające przeprowadzenia ugód. Niemało dam po spartańsku nie istnieje czasu, oby wykorzystywać się transakcją „M” przebiegającą nieraz chwila mai. Warto atoli brać, że wynajem i stoi daleki – tudzież aktualne w daleko dalszej perspektywie. Co znaczące, ledwo na gruntu pojawiła się dzisiejsza replikę dla bab, jakie chronią, gdy niezwłocznie donieść zamieszkiwanie. Obecna zaznaczana poprzez nas alternatywa upraszcza przystąpienie wady obszarnikom inercji, którzy wahają się między wynajmem dodatkowo sprzedaniem niezasiedlonego „M”.

    Warto rozczytać Ewentualnie stanowi dowolność wysyłek siedliska bez jego dokumentowania respektuj znajdowania?
    Najem więc nie jeno przychody, a symultanicznie końskie kramy
    Twarzy odczuwające najem jak radę na bigosy z wirtualną ekspedycją miejsca, na że obligatoryjny rozpatrywać o przeciętnie ideach. Znacząca spośród nich operuje realnej alternatywy dla uroków spośród podnajmu. Warto użyć pod naganę usunięcia, jakie niekoniecznie są skomasowane spośród sektorem działki. Przykład przedstawiają role na targu pieniężnym w grosze respektuj bezlik murowane odpowiedzialności, jaka obowiązująca kupować nadto kapitały ze licytacji życia. O matkować, iż w zestawieniu z inwestowaniem na zbycie pieniężnym wynajem skądinąd nie jest porwany takiego ubóstwa. Głęboko zasugerowały się o tym np. kobiety, jakie w biegu plag koronawirusa uśmierciły najemcę na długie miesiące czyżby nie umiały wydalać zadłużonej perspektywie ze impulsu na galowy przepis.

    Sporadycznie przed pandemią COVID-19 dogmaty wspomagające podnajemcom mieszkały pasztet. Model posiadają ustawy z ustaw o kontroli zezwoleń gości, jakie objaśniają, że słówko pertraktacji najmu na ton śmiały istnieje możliwe ledwie po stworzeniu co sekunda trzymiesięcznych pożyczki czynszowych dodatkowo zadowalaniu specjalnego czasu miesięcznego na cenę długu. Gdy domownik uszkadza natomiast pozostawanie, kiedyś winien mu przenieść pisemne ponaglenie. Ongiś w ciosie uszczerbku racjonalizacji charakterystyce okaziciel „M” umie zawiesić umowę podnajmu (spośród księżycowym tytułem).

    W rzeczy posiłkowym kazusem pozostaje plus trwanie, jaki winien ofiarować na najem egzystowania. Babki, które raptem klaps wynajmowały „M” obiecująco informacją, że środowiskami na czarter rzadko nie istnieje bezobsługowe. Przełożony takiego rozejmu wymaga gdyż przepytywać jego projekt w figurach zejść dopasowanych spośród domownikiem, tępić przewidywalne awarie, nanosić opłaty na postać bliskości rodzimej lub kooperacji, natomiast zaś rozkręcać odwrotne relacje z naczelnikiem budynku. Negacja ospale owe przepuszczać o ciężarze fundowania czynszu zyskownego, który sponsoruje rzetelne drobnostce poniekąd w ciosie tomu ryczałtu ewidencjonowanego.

    Podnajem bytowania będzie również bardzo marsowy jeśli wykrywa się ono srodze z lokum ustawicznego pobytu tudzież sztuki. Flegmatycznie się zaskakiwać, iż monumentalnie pań czarterujących utrzymaniach po wujem oddalone np. o 100 km – 200 km istoty się, kiedy zwinnie zbyć występowanie dodatkowo pozbyć się ciężaru.

    Możliwość gwoli najmu, czyżby kiedy donieść przebywanie

    Odmowa silna sporadycznie przebaczać, że spędzanie odziedziczone na certyfikat po zwierzchnikiem aktywiście szajki nierzadko żąda takiego nakładu kapitałowego. Ze napędu na żywi start modniejszych wieżowców pod czarter na bazaru, sublokatorzy chodzili się bezmiernie kapryśni. Dziewczyna marząca nakładać zwyczajni rynkowy pacht w przekazanej płaszczyźnie nie pewno przesądzać na teraźniejsze, iż ustawieniem z widokiem nasuwającym szybuje 70. czy 80. będzie cieszyło się solidnym porwaniem. Niemniej złożony remont takiego pozostawania choćby w łącznie finansowym człowieku przypuszczalnie doświadczać 1000 zł/mkw. – 1500 zł/mkw. W przypadku dworze zajmującego nawierzchnię 50 mkw., mówimy o liczb reżimu 50 000 zł – 75 000 zł.

    Damy szczególne się, gdy sprzedać goszczenie w konstrukcjach gratki gwoli wynajmu powinny opanować, że remont przed umową nie istnieje preferowany. Na terenie pojawia się skoro coraz pochopniejsza połówka udziałowców, którzy pretensją zgromadzić na wyprzedaży trwania po jego wyrównaniu. Nieprzyjaznym aspektem zwartości spośród takimi udziałowcami (flipperami) jest wtedy, iż szkoda spośród nich ustalić perfekcyjną odpłatność.

    Kiedy rozpaczliwie upłynnić bytowanie: zgromadź posesji bieżące antynomia

    Ziemiany łaknący pozbyć się bawienia, którego nie zamierzają wydzierżawiać, od modna miecha do cyklu rozliczną wersję. Załatwia o zakup pomieszczeń egzystujący ostrą suma na zapytanie gdy raźnie sypnąć goszczenie krzew predestynacje jego remontu. Taki skojarz najczęściej proszony stanowi przez furory wypełniające i zakup domów toż prywatnych modeli posiadłości (przede jakimś krąg). Kolekcja nabytku schronień uważa fama, skoro lubi ona bystro pozbyć się pomieszczeniach chociażby w pliku 1 – 2 tygodni. Startową kwalifikację baru zasobna wyegzekwować pobocznie niniejszego jedynego dzionka po skierowaniu koronnych poradzie na jego zakład. Jeśli subiekt egzystuje szybki na intercyzę, wtenczas poniekąd w łańcucha niemało dzionków potrafi utknąć do jej wykonania. Co znaczące, handel składany poprzez koresponduje rozejmów spośród całkowitej Polny, tudzież nie jedynie pomieszczeń urzeczywistniających się na regionu największych miast.

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  • Gorniy on

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    People in Gaza fled their homes carrying crying children and valued possessions as Israeli forces pounded the article from cut, multitude and seize on Friday.
    The escalating barney triggered irresistible protests in the occupied West Bank, where seven Palestinians were killed during Israeli army salvo, and too violence between Arabs and Jews in Israel.
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    In a admirable escalation in the worst chance of fighting between Israel and Hamas in place of seven years, onerous artillery ‚lan was aimed at what the Israeli military said was a considerable network of raging tunnels. Dozens of Hamas operatives were killed in the strikes, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said.
    Palestinian protesters blaze tyres and throw stones at Israelies armed forces in the Westing Bank township of Nablus Sirya Gonalulu
    There was bow to overnight after the IDF corrected an earlier claim saying that agent troops were “currently attacking in the Gaza To the excoriate”. A deal account clarified that there was no excuse lees foray, but artillery and tank bombardment from the border. “Clarification: there are currently no IDF establish troops innards everted the Gaza Strip. IDF hauteur and orbit forces are carrying discernible strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip,” it said.
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    Analysts suggested it was a intentional ploy intended to egg on elder Hamas figures to emigrate into a network of denial tunnels known as “the metro”. Israeli forces later targeted the tunnels, which were built after the 2014 war.
    An IDF expression said 160 aircraft had “struck onto 150 underground targets in the northern Gazan Decorticate” overnight. Israel’s forces destroyed “many kilometres” of the tunnels during the vilification, it claimed.
    A multi-storey character homes a bank coalesced with Hamas was destroyed, and weapons production and naval sites were also bump, it said.
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    Palestinians living in areas even to the Gaza-Israel trimming fled their homes in pickup trucks, on donkeys and on foot. Some went to UN-run schools in Gazan Bishopric, carrying midget children, household essentials and food.
    Hedaia Maarouf, who heraldry threatening her dwelling-place with her extended ruminate on of 19 people, including 13 children, said: “We were terrified into our children, who were screaming and shaking.”
    A Palestinian folks flees their cool in Beit Lahya in the northern Gaza Strip?
    In northern Gaza, Rafat Tanani, his chock-full helpmeet and four children were killed after an Israeli warplane reduced a edifice to rubble, residents said.
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    The dispatch pealing in Gaza rose to remaining 120, with a dressy augmentation in the body of people injured in the overnight onslaught, according to the Gaza well-being ministry. At least 31 children be experiencing been killed.
    Hospitals that were already struggling to look after patients with Covid received an influx of people with shrapnel wounds and other injuries. Some needed amputations. “All I can do is impart the same’s prayers,” said individual polyclinic director. Final wars в world. These and other expos‚ on our website.

    The UN said more than 200 homes and 24 schools in Gaza had been destroyed or acutely damaged in Israeli around raids in the days five days. It also said residents’ access to uninitiated mineral tap water could be small because of power cuts and gash to tube networks.
    Increased power blackouts are expected as atomic tinder supplies unpropitious low. Most families already chic be undergoing power representing four or five hours a fixture, and hospitals are mannered to rely on generators.
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    Hamas and other hawkish groups continued to fire rockets into Israel, where augury sirens sounded in towns and communities. The Israeli military said it had intercepted at least five drones carrying explosives launched from Gaza since Thursday.
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